In case you missed it earlier this month, Major League Soccer and adidas revealed the official match ball for the league's 25th season: the 2020 MLS NATIVO XXV.

Detail of the 2020 MLS NATIVO XXV
The NATIVO XXV pulls inspiration from the first MLS ball in 1996 to celebrate the 25th MLS season and kick off a new decade of soccer in North America. It will go on sale online and in stores on Jan. 2, 2020.

Detail of the 2020 MLS NATIVO XXV
Incorporating colors from the original MLS ball and identity, the ball is made from 100% water-based materials and print colors, yielding the most sustainable ball to date. Additionally, the unique 'Hi-White' material used for the ball will allow for better visibility on the field for players.

Ball used in 1996