ExtraTime Radio Podcast

LISTEN: The happenings on the field often get the bulk of the coverage, but we all know true soccer culture lives in the stands with the supporters. Ahead of a banner 2017 season, the guys get supporters from Minnesota, Atlanta, Orlando, Portland and New York on the phone to explain what they're excited about, what they're planning for and what they're thinking about. Need a tifo crash course? We've got it. Advice on building a supporters' club? Got that, too. Just want to get hyped with opening day a week away? Just hit play (or subscribe!).
What’s soccer without supporters? Very little, if you ask us. That’s why, on the eve of the 2017 MLS season, the ExtraTime crew reached out to five folks with skin in the game to help preview what’s to come on the field and in the stands.
First up, expansion check-ins with Minnesota United FC and Atlanta United. Bruce McGuire calls in from the Twin Cities to provide some much-needed insight into the culture of the club and its supporters, then Terminus Legion Outreach Coordinator Andrea Bustamante explains what it’s like to start from scratch and what will make Atlanta a unique market in MLS.
After the break, Ruckus president Jerry Updike is jacked about Orlando City’s new stadium and literal wall of support as well as a new opportunity to grow the purple army that’s followed the club from USL to MLS. Mike Coleman knows a thing or two about armies. Coleman leads tifo creation and execution for the Timbers Army, and he shares some tricks of the trade (without giving anything away!) for those who admire or might try to replicate what they see at Providence Park.
Last but certainly not least, MLS original and New York Red Bulls supporter/reporter Mark Fishkin shares the ups and downs that come with being there from the very beginning!
Don't forget to go back and listen to last week's special with Steve Bernasconi, the soccer fan taking a eight-month, 35-game, 20,000-mile road trip to all 22 MLS stadiums (and more) this year! Want to follow The Soccer Tour’s journey across the US and Canada? Follow on Twitter and Instagram. Want to help Steve out during his trip? You can lend a hand here.
- Email the show at extratime@mlssoccer.com
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- ETR theme song by Satchel Grande
The views expressed by the hosts and guests are theirs and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Major League Soccer / Soccer United Marketing.